Dellabee and Me

All content is mine and should not be reprinted/posted without my express permission

Archive for the month “May, 2012”

In the Midst…

How ironic that some little bird has taken up residence in my plant while we are preparing to move.   Things have been busy. Work has kept me verrrryy busy with end-of-the-school-year stuff like state testing. It has held me hostage for weeks now. Each work day my office becomes a secured holding cell for test materials, and weary teachers line up at my door to count and sign out books and answer sheets only to return a few hours later – exhausted – to sign them back in. Each afternoon I bundle up answer sheets and drive over to the district office that houses the scanners, and I wait along with other school counselors to have them scored. Then I return to my school – sometimes as late as 5:30 – to makes copies of scores and hand them off to my principal. I am very eager for testing season to end.

The remnants of my Mother’s Day flowers

Mother’s Day came and went. I never know what to make of this day – is it about me? Or is it about my mom? It’s weird. My husband gave me flowers and a card. The kids gave me a slew of homemade cards and pictures, which have all been packed up and put away because of – The move. Ugh. Moving should be alternately titled “life, interrupted.” Because while packing up all the stuff you have rank-ordered as “not necessary to have immediate access to, life must go on.

So, the kids continue to go to school.

I continue to do mountains of laundry all at once.

We continue to pack up parts of our lives to be held, temporarily, in a POD.

We did manage to get in some camping, of the backyard variety.

We tried to roast marshmallows, but the wood would not cooperate.

Note the goggles Ella needed because of the smoke.

I am sorry for being MIA but I will probably take a mini-break from the blog until we get settled in our new home. So much is going to change in the next month that I have anticipatory whiplash.

Talk to you soon!

I am participating in project52. This week’s theme is “favorites.” Check out all of the other great photos here.

Green (p52)

Project 52’s theme this week is “green.”

For Earth Day, I celebrated by posting obnoxious status updates about my vegetarianism, along with links to disturbing documentaries highlighting the ways in which humans are essentially horrific.

Then I guiltily eyed my leather shoes and I couldn’t sleep because I thought about where the leather comes from.


So, in an abrupt change of topic, I received my Master’s degree 9 years ago now. Wow. I think my knowledge is totally outdated. People keep giving me funny looks when I recommend holding therapy. Hmmm.

Anyways, when I graduated a friend gave me a “lucky bamboo” plant. It was sort of symbolic, something about prospering and being lucky – yet I have no luck and I have not exactly prospered.

But would you believe I still have that bamboo?

I DO!!

Obviously, it is not in my backyard all the time.

I wonder if it means I am lucky because it is still around? I don’t know. I just like it.

I am participating in project52, a weekly photo link-up. This week’s theme was “green.” Check out all the other great photos here.

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